Friday, January 18, 2008

Queen Isabella of Castille

Hi Everybody,

I just wanted to stop in and say hello. Thank you to Delta and Rick for your kind comments. Even it it is just online, it is nice to meet other Fred Heads and/or believers in the freedom we cherish as we look for the next American President or the POTUS as Delta calls the position. (I am definitely going to remember that acronym. I love it!)

I have been studying the histories of the various Caminos Reales in North and South America. Any road built by Spain's kings and queens, was called a Royal Road or a Camino Real. For example, before the canal was built in Panama, folks would take the Camino Real from one coast to the other when cutting time off of boat trips from California to Spain. In California, they seem to refer to these roads in English as as the King's Road rather than the Royal Road. Oh well, it is just a different interpretation.

So relating all of this to a Queen, let us take a look at Queen Isabella of Ca stile, Spain. the year 1492 was a big year for her and her husband King Ferdinand. Early in the year, they were able to win a battle at Santa Fe de Granada in Spain and drove the Moors our of power. In the summer, they funded the expedition of a Portuguese explorer, Christopher Columbus. By October or so of that year, the explorer had identified a new continent and new land holdings for Isabella and Ferdinand.

Was this all just dumb luck? Maybe, but it is the sort of "dumb luck," we could all strive for as we consider which path to take whenever we come to the crossroads of our lives.

If you would like to learn more about Queen Isabella of Castille, just go to:

Queen Isabella of Castille at Life Script

where you can find a brief history of the grand lady. It is published by Life Script Connect Network.

Take good care of yourselves everyone. Be sure to evaluate the possibilities at your crossroads of life and exercise your right to vote.


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