Monday, January 14, 2008

Queen of the Underdog

I checked to make sure a Google search did not turn up someone with that title and, except for an objectionable comment on one post which we will ignore, nobody has that title. So, I am taking it. Well, at least for as long as Fred Thompson is running for president. I noticed on some poll on "Good Morning, America" today, only 8% of people polled somewhere said that they would vote for Senator Thompson. How sad. Well, I say "Lie to pollsters and vote for Fred." I am going to keep standing behind his campaign either until he decides to drop out of the race or is elected president. So this Queen of the Underdog encourages you to do the same thing.

Have a great day!!


Fred08 - Contribute Now


Rob Huck said...

Your Majesty. I found your comment on my blog - gopwhatwebelieve - thank you. How did you find my blog? You're only the second person who's left a comment.

Yes, I'm Catholic and a Fredhead. Nice to see we have something in common. I just wish I lived in South Carolina so I could vote for him on Saturday. He needs as much help as he can get in SC. If he fails in SC, I think it's over.

Write back to me via email -


Rob Huck said...

I made some changes to my blog. Check it out and let me know what you think. I'm sure I've forgotten something.