Saturday, January 12, 2008

Thompson's Troops for the Queen

Hello enthusiasts of the Queen! I hope you are having a great day.

I heard from Stephanie McNees of the Friends of Fred Thompson who tells me that since Senator Thompson won the debate a few nights ago on Fox hands down, he is getting more support. Good job Queen fans, keep up the good work!

Stephanie tells me that yesterday, Human Events, the influential weekly conservative periodical, endorsed Fred after concluding that "Thompson is a solid conservative whose judgment is grounded in our principles."

So now, Queen enthusiasts, Senator Thompson is looking for more foot soldiers to help him out on the ground in South Carolina. Since, the Queen sees Senator Thompson's presidency as good for our beloved America and all her citizens, she is in support of Thompson's Troops. If you would like to join the troops you can let the organizers know that you would like to be part of the Queen's contingent.

Here is what Stephanie has to say about the ground troops forming in South Carolina:

As we head into the final week before South Carolina's primary, the campaign is asking for the help of its strong grassroots organization. This campaign began as a grassroots attempt to bring Fred Thompson into the race, and it will continue to work with those same grassroots activists to ensure a strong performance on January 19th in South Carolina.

In the final week before the primary, we are asking you to commit your time and resources to the South Carolina primary. We need volunteers who are willing to:

Recruit supporters at local events
Help mobilize and turn out our Fred supporters in the final days and hours before the primary
Make phone calls
Go door-to-door

The campaign is looking for volunteers who are willing to pay their own way (travel, lodging, and food expenses). If you can commit to this the campaign will work with you to:

Fly into a specific location
Help locate affordable accommodations
Train and explain the tasks you will perform while in South Carolina
Have a great time

There is a specific time frame in doing all of this. The campaign needs volunteers anytime between today and January 19th. Any amount of time you can commit will benefit the organization, but Senator Thompson will especially need help in the final 72 hours before the primary on Saturday January 19th.

Now remember, Queen's contingent, this is part of an American presidential campaign, so there are rules that we will and must follow. It is important that campaign finance limits and restrictions are followed when a volunteer is using their resources when traveling on behalf of the Friends of Fred Thompson Campaign. If you have any questions or concerns, go to

to read a full explanation of rules and regulations.

So, if you are interested in joining the Queen's contingent of Thompson's Troops on the ground in South Carolina, email or call 360.921.3321.

See you soon troops!


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